The Sexual Violence Center is seeking dynamic presenters for the Building Bridges Conference 2024, to…

Join our board of directors!
The mission of the Sexual Violence Center is to support people impacted by sexual violence through crisis intervention, case management, outreach, education, and systems change.
The Board of Directors are responsible for governing the internal affairs and properties of the organization, oversight of the organization’s policies, and keeping the long-term best interest of the organization at the forefront in order to fulfill its goals and mission.
SVC currently has openings on its Board of Directors and is seeking a diverse and enthusiastic group of candidates.
We are particularly interested in new members with the following experience:
– marketing
– finance
– non-profit management
– fundraising
Because we are a small and active Board, the most important quality of any Board member is a commitment to SVC’s mission, and a willingness to energetically engage and support the organization.
To learn more about this opportunity, visit
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