The Sexual Violence Center is seeking dynamic presenters for the Building Bridges Conference 2024, to…

SVC is hosting a book club!
SVC is hosting a book club! The book club will consist of four sessions, and we’ll be hosting it in-person at Boneshaker Books in South Minneapolis (masks required) on 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, and 12/7 from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm! SVC will provide the book, and there will be no cost to participate. Our book selection is “Queering Sexual Violence – Radical Voices from Within the Anti-Violence Movement” by Jennifer Patterson.
According to Leah Horlick, “This is a dangerous, powerful anthology — a new way of seeing and believing survivors without hiding our messy truths, our grief, and desires. Yes, this work queers sexual violence, but it also queers everything we know about healing. This book will change lives – I know it would have changed mine.”
Please fill out this form to express interest: Space will be limited to 13 participants, but if there is a lot of interest, we will create a waitlist and put you at the top of the list for future book clubs. Please share with your friends!